How much is cancellation fee for GoAir

How much is cancellation fee for GoAir?
How much is cancellation fee for GoAir?


How much is cancellation fee for GoAir?


While canceling a GoAir ticket, you have to pay a specific charge termed a cancellation fee specified by the Airline. To know How much is the cancellation fee for GoAir it is pertinent to mention that a GoAir ticket can be canceled up to two hours before the departure of the scheduled flight. The cancellation fee would depend on the following factor:


  • The time of the cancellation
  • The class and destination of the ticket, as to if the flight is domestic or international.
  • If the passenger is an adult or an infant.

Therefore, these reasons mentioned above will decide the cancellation fee you will pay to cancel the GoAir tickets:


  • For flights within India: Rs 3000/- to Rs 3500/- per ticket.
  • For international flights: Rs 4500/-to Rs 5000/- per ticket.
  • For infants: no cancellation charges will apply.
  • The amount will vary on how close the ticket is canceled to the scheduled flight departure.

GoAir cancellation policy:


  • If the Airline cancels or delays the flight, GoAir will not charge any cancellation fee.
  • If the ticket is canceled for a medical emergency or death in the passenger's family, GoAir may forgo the cancellation charges.
  • If the ticket is canceled within 2 hours of the scheduled flight departure, the whole ticket amount will be charged as a cancellation fee.

The process to cancel Go Air tickets:


Online cancellation: The most convenient and quickest way to cancel a ticket is through an online method which you can access from the GoAir website or app on the phone. To confirm the online cancellation, try the steps below:


  • Reach the official website of GoAir
  • Click on the manage booking tab 
  • Enter your last name or email and PNR
  • Find your booking details 
  • Select the ticket cancellation from the options
  • Start the cancellation process with the instructions coming on the screen
  • Pay the cancellation charges
  • Complete the procedure and receive the confirmation on email.

Cancel the tickets on a call: You can call GoAir customer service and request assistance with the cancellation of tickets. To call GoAir for cancellation:


  • Dial 1800 2100 999
  • Get connected on the call with an IVR 
  • You can press the number mentioned for cancellation
  • You can choose to speak to a person.


The customer service person will provide you with full assistance and information regarding the process and How much is the cancellation fee of GoAir, and the refund updates as well.


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