How much is cancellation fee for GoAir

How much is cancellation fee for GoAir? How much is cancellation fee for GoAir? While canceling a GoAir ticket, you have to pay a specific charge termed a cancellation fee specified by the Airline. To know How much is the cancellation fee for GoAir it is pertinent to mention that a GoAir ticket can be canceled up to two hours before the departure of the scheduled flight. The cancellation fee would depend on the following factor: The time of the cancellation The class and destination of the ticket, as to if the flight is domestic or international. If the passenger is an adult or an infant. Therefore, these reasons mentioned above will decide the cancellation fee you will pay to cancel the GoAir tickets: For flights within India: Rs 3000/- to Rs 3500/- per ticket. For international flights: Rs 4500/-to Rs 5000/- per ticket. For infants: no cancellation charges will apply. The amount will vary on how close the ticket is canceled to the sched...